Geli Mat
So I've received an email from my former classmate,
Who wants to be known as Jantan Bising.
It's been awhile since I last mentioned any of the Jantan Brothers in here.
Well she introduced me one video that I really feel it's a must to advertise it.
And the subtitles are in Malay by the way.
Now a little about today.
I didn't actually knew what to purchase with the pay I gotten yesterday.
Maybe a pair of new glasses,
Oh well.
So in the end I gave Pizza Hut a call,
And believe it or not,
That was my first time ever making an order from Pizza Hut in my 19 plus years of life.
Well anyway,
I ordered something that looks most appeasing to me.
I should say I'm pretty happy about this.
All this while it's my family who have been treating me to pizzas.
Now it's my turn to bring the fight to them.
And there's still a piece I left for mom,
Who's still taking her own sweet time getting her throat to open up,
To start eating it.
I'll just have to debar her from attending my passing out parade ceremony.
I kid mom,
And I love you still.
Even if you took that slice of pizza and feeds it to Yaya the cat instead.
Oh and mind you,
My cat just have a thing for sausages.
That's why I'm not allowed to appear nude in her line of sight.
Let us observe the statements made by our very own Matt Damon of Bourne Identity.
Heck I'll just refer him as,
Mat DumbSon.
Geli mat mat mat mat.
Alamak bro.
Bulan puasa lu mengumpat2 pasal orang.
Dosa siolll braderrrr.
So anyway.
I'll guess I'll do it line by line.
It seems that I'm right having to say you're too outdated.
Here's another anonymous' comment that pretty much explains it.
Mr DumbSon,
I really wonder why you're so concern about me.
"do you even kno tat shes not as clean as you thought she is?? "
I don't give a doggy-style fucking care,
About people who failed to follow your instructions going to shower scrubbing fabuluso on them.
Be self-centered a little and go for some brain enlargement.
So you'll be smarter to at least know you're stupid enough to even state one logic.
This is even more amusing.
"at least think before you write and prove that youre even more stupid.."
Well okay I can accept that "think before you write" part.
But prove that I'm more stupid?
I don't feel a need to answer to that.
You ended up posting the same comment twice just explains why your internet connection has been faulty towards you,
It too, can't stand your superb stupidity.
A brain smaller than that of a Stegosaurus,
No wonder.
"and fyi im jus a friend of hers.."
Oh yes.
Bloody hell.
So you're someone who goes all out trying to shame your friend.
*Mat DumbSon has gained a new ability*
*Mat DumbSon has learnt "Hypocrisy"*
"and dont even think im afraid of you sucker..."
The only person I know who managed to be afraid of me,
Was that role-player in my scenario-based test whom I shouted to the top of my lungs at.
Just what the fuck are you trying to imply?
It's not as if I posted my all time favourite self-shot in a letter to your mail with a "I know what you did last summer" on it.
What, being stupid and hypocrite ain't enough?
You even wanted immaturity?
What is it that you want from me?
It seems to me that you have grudges on her,
But this is blogspot for fucks sake,
Not Livejournal.
In other words you got the wrong blog to comment on,
The wrong person to even talk to.
And why are you being anonymous?
Afraid of revealing yourself?
While having all the guts to talk shits about someone else?
That sucker title fits you best,
And I'm very sure many would have agreed on that too.
Now I know why she had been using the word sadistic all these while,
Because of you,
Mat DumbSon.
Dumb dumb.
This arena you've built up here,
It is for me and you.
There is no need to bring others into scene.
Stick that notice up in that bird-egg brain of yours,