I guess I have to explain myself here with regards of "Jenny is a cat of mine",
But before that I would like to start with the good news first.
I've adopted two kittens,
Which I found out from someone named Kexin,
Apparently she was a member of cat welfare site which I went to,
In hopes to find a cat I can train into perfection.
And hope was kind.
A female pure white,
And male grayish-black with stripes.
Siblings that were born in the wild,
Then wrestling each other in my room right-
Oh fuck,
Both of them smelling my feet.
Cute little pussies.
It's only 3 hours in my room,
And they kept me going "AWW AWWW" for the countless of times.
You know,
Even if one of them were to shit in the litter box,
The other will join in to "cover" them shits with the sand-thingy.
Tell me,
How fucking cute is that.
I took a videos and photos of them,
But I can't get them uploaded yet.
Due to because I don't have the USB cable needed for my new phone.
Yes people,
I've finally got the phone I wanted.
Which right now I'm too lazy to post another picture of it,
Just browse through some of my latest archives and you'll find them.
Now now,
Regarding Jenny,
And my comment regarding her as a feral cat.
Let me explain more about stray cats,
In case you don't know this.
There are two types of stray cats,
Feral and Semi-Feral.
Feral: Stray cats that has little to no contact with humans.
Semi-Feral: Stray cats that has contact with humans.
There you go.
Jenny is what I would class in Feral.
She spent most of her childhood in the wild,
And always been avoiding contacts with humans.
Till the foster had to "catch" it in the void deck and surrender it to us,
Telling us she's about 7 month old.
Which when I saw Jenny for the first time,
Old hag was lying.
She looks more to 1-2 years old,
If size is not reason enough,
Pay close attention to her whiskers,
Which vets use to estimate cats ages.
Other than that,
Jenny lives an anti-social life,
Avoiding contact whenever possible.
To the extent of me who lived with her for almost a week,
Can barely pat her since she's always running away from my white hand.
Her fur too is very unstable,
And I think she has flea problems due to the fact she's constantly scratching her head.
Well yeah,
We decided to return her back to the wild,
Through the foster perhaps.
Unless anyone of you would like to adopt her,
Give me a call,
Or a tag.
I got to return playing with Bran and Cassie,
So good bye everyone.
Cassie and her lovely eyes,