Monday, June 29, 2009

Destiny is calling me


Hello everyone.

My name is Brandon Flowers,
Vocals/Synths for The Killers if you had not heard of me.

I voted myself to be here,
For the welcoming back of,

None other than my Mr Brightside.


("Mr Brightside" playing in background)

(Lan takes to mic off Brandon, giving him some mouthful tounge-ing, leaving that Killer's vocalist satisfied enough to leave the stage)

First things first,
My apologies for my rather emotionally-stressed entries in the recent entries,
And heartfelt thanks to all those who gave me their support through this breakdown.

I won't say I'm all fine now,
But better,

Much better.


Now to start this off,
You've probably heard of this,
And if you don't,

You are stupid.

Transformers 2.

Photobucket- Taken from Rinniey's

My turn.

Honestly in my opinion,
I would have preferred the first.

Sure it's more action-packed and a whole lot of new Transformers making their apperances,
But it's too rushed even for a 2 and a half hour movie.

At certain parts of the show,
You don't even understand why it happened that way,
And who the fuck died along the way.

The biggest disappointment is Megatron himself.

A leader of the Decepticons,
Been awaken and fly off from the bottom of the ocean to make a grand comeback.

Oh wait,
Did I say grand comeback?

In Transformers ROTF,
Megatron is one pathetic sissy "I-forgot-how-to-fight" recycled cans put together.

But don't be saddened Tronny,
The other Decepticons were pathetic as hell too.

Took them so long to make grand appearances,
Especially that sand-sucking thingy,
But died in one or two shots after?

And that awful load of Deceptions came crashing in to give chase on Sam Wipuki,
All disappeared in an instant?

Don't get me started at the classic Decepticon who betrayed them and joined the Autobots,
So much for me going "WOW",
When the next minute he was lying on the floor breathless.

The best part,
Optimus Prime did a Megazord,
Salvaging the parts of a dead Decepticon.

Reminds me of Dragonzord and Megazord merging together.

Maybe that ain't the best part,
Who could have imagined a Decepticon taking the apperance of one hot chick in Wipuki's college?

And a metallic tail thingy coming out under her skirt?
And a tounge that reminds me of Mortal Kombat's Scorpion "get-over-here" thingy?

Alright fine,
The good part.

Humor level is better than the first,
Time spent is worth your every dollar since it's a pretty long movie,
Closed enough to being a Star Wars.

Megan Fox ass.

That's pretty much all of it.

Don't expect a good storyline,
If you gonna watch it.

Just enjoy your popcorn,
And happy having headaches to it.

Well then,
I've been reading up my old entries,
For boredom's sake.

Is from my a month old entry.


The regret.

Till next time then.

But it's just the price I paid,
Destiny is calling me,
Open up my eager eyes,

Cause I'm Mr Brightside,


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