Monday, March 24, 2008

Tale of the Hyena, Meerkat and a Beaver

There was once, a story told about three animals.
One a Hyena, another a Meerkat, and the other, a Beaver.

And there's this magical peanut,
Known to bring warmth, happiness, and comfort to whoever one shares with.
It can not be seen by a naked eye, yet we know it exists.

The Meerkat, like the Hyena, shares similar characteristics yet differs vastly.
They look untrustworthy, and everything they do or speak was taken lightly.
Because no one could ever bear to believe the truth they holds.

Then came the Beaver, who became friends with the two.
So close.
So close that the Meerkat felt it,
Beneath it's fur, beneath it's flesh.
Beneath it's bones.

Lies the magical peanut he once was exiled to hold it.

It then tried to take the magical peanut by it's hands, reaching out to the Beaver.

But the poor Meerkat failed.

There was a rule that no magical peanut can be shared without beliefs in it.
Without trust.
Such as the Meerkat showcased in his untrustworthy soul, judged by the Beaver itself.

Then came the Hyena.
Who observed the situation from far,
And felt there was a need to help his fellow friends.

The Hyena knew that this magical peanut exists in the Meerkat, but it can never be bonded to a Beaver.
Well, at least, without help.

So then, the Hyena took matter in it's own hands.
Hearing the cries from the Beaver.
Hearing the cries from the Meerkat.

Cries that were hidden to each other.
And only the Hyena can help them deafen their cries.

The Hyena stood by as rocks piled up on it.
Stood by as the air pushed it so hard,
So hard it almost breaks down and give up.

The Hyena thought to itself.
In what ways will the magical peanut will be bonded to one another.

It did what it do best.
To use it's untrustworthy character to an advantage.
The Hyena was so good, that promises it holds had leaks everywhere.
Using the leaks to several advantages.

The Hyena took in deadly bites from both the Meerkat and the Beaver.
Bites that poisoned it.
But sacrificing always have it's good.

The Beaver finally came to realise the secrets of the land through the problems the Hyena placed upon it.
The existence of the magical peanut which the Meerkat is dying to share.

Finally, the Beaver believes in it.

The Beaver believes in the warmth, happiness and comfort it holds.

But the most important thing.

The Beaver believed in the Meerkat.

The Hyena, looking at them afar.
Smiled as a warm glow shines on them.
On the Beaver.
On the Meerkat.

The Magical Peanut was finally shared.

Not only does the two feels the warmth, happiness and comfort the Magical Peanut holds.

But the Hyena feels it too.

The Hyena feels the warmth.
Knowing that behind the cruelty it has to face, it was for the good.

The Hyena feels happy.
Because it's friends, behind every barriers of lies, shares the same truth in each other.

The Hyena feels comfortable.
To finally let it's tinkering mind comes to a rest, so as the deafening cries of the two.

Feeling the glow of the Magical Peanut,
The Beaver and the Meerkat stood side by side,
Looking at the Hyena.
Who can only smile at them.

The Hyena turned away then,
It has done what it's to be done.
The glow of the Magical Peanut shines even brighter as the Hyena walked away.

The glow of the Magical Peanut.
Still a mystery to the Hyena.

The Hyena had heard of it.
It helped others discover it.
But to the Hyena,
The Magical Peanut ceased in existence.

"Engulf yourselves in the glow of the Magical Peanut."

The Hyena spoke as it turned to the Beaver and Meerkat.

In which they just smiled, looking at the Hyena.

Before the Hyena turned it's back again and walk away,
It whispered under it's breath.

"..because in it, lies love."



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