Saturday, December 01, 2007

Graduation part 1: A tribute, to all close mates of ITE Macpherson

To all my dearest friends I ever made in ITE Macpherson

Nizam Fadhli

You, my friend, is the only one I had when I felt like singing with company. I'll remember those days where we both will be singing to Linkin Park, Blink 182, Strokes and more, anywhere or even in the bus. You've always knew I never liked hip-hop or even RnB. But look at me Fad, just look at me and ask me why I had started singing to Beautiful Girls, Don't Matter and even Umbrella?

You influenced me.

I've heard so much about you, the bad, the good. But I never really had a problem with you really. To me, you are a great friend, a great company, and a great person to just hang out together and just talking crap all night long.

And remember how we worked together coming up for the song for Teacher's Day?
Yes Fad, those were the days I felt our friendship was like the song we created. With different tunes, yet it fits together perfectly.


Remember recently I said you were irritating since you woke me up from my sleep almost everytime you called? I'll miss those times even though how much it irritates me.

You are one of the closer mates I have in class, always hanging out together even if it only ends up the two of us, we never stop talking, we'll never stop laughing. It's good to have a friend who has a fear for roaches too, like me. At least I won't be sharing the shame alone running 2.4km just after seeing a roach on the floor. heh.

And you never fail to make my day with your lame jokes, yet it still makes me laugh. I'll remember that you're probably the first person in our class to actually talk about bgr problems with me, and I appreciate that you'll even bother talking to me about it even though I never really had much to say.


Heh, one of the malay girls I actually had a crush on during the first year when you look all decent and stuff, but when we started actually hanging out together. OMG HELL NO TO DECENT AND STUFF!

Don't go swearing yet, you were by far the best person I can talk crap with. You laugh at almost anything I'll say even when I'm totally lost what I've actually said that made you go bending down, laughing, with your hands swinging around. And I've always love your craps too, those "HAH TERRY?" and burps never fails to bring a smile if not laugh, to my face.

And don't go thinking your fat and stuff. Trust me, you're one hot girl I know.
You were also the cause of me going indie and stuff, I'll have to thank you for that.


A good person actually, if you knew him well like I do. Irritating is one thing, making a fool out of yourself is another. But tell me dear readers, who would do the craziest of things, even at your own image risk, just to make his/her friends laugh. I'll give you someone, yat.

And friend, you're a cool person to hang out with. Moreover, it's easy to ask him out just to lepak2. I said this before, you have a unique sense of humour, and it always comes when you didn't try to over exaggerate it. But dude, just be yourself.


Loud girl. Simply young, pretty, loud girl. You are cute in a way, it's like every little things you do can sometimes makes me if not them, laugh. I never hated you in any way before, and from what I've seen so far about you, you're one hell of a kind-hearted person which many fails to see.

I'll miss annoying you and see you evolved into one hell of an orang utan gone berserk. I hope one day, you'll stop those piercings, dying, and make ups. You have that natural beauty, honestly.


We were never really that close to me. But we did have times talking among the two of us and such. I never came by anyone so similar like you. You cared so much for your friends, for us, and that is something I highly respect you for. I'll remember how you kept telling us things like "Oi faster go school lah" and things like that.

And you brought my self esteem up, remember my hair?


Used to think you're one hotstuff, but well, apparently not so hot. :p You're like yat in a way, always sharing your life stories and such. I never really knew you that much, but hey huda, thanks alot for you-know-what.


We never actually talk that much in school. Just sitting infront of our PCs and chatting over MSN yea? It's a pity we both starts opening up just when I'm graduating, I never actually knew you were good in talking crap too until recently. If not we may even start hanging out together talking all day long.

I apologise for whatever happened during the past, and I really hope we'll keep in contact.


African-Marimba eh? That's how we met. I will treasure those memories we shared, especially during the fasting month where we'll stay all night on the phone waiting for McDelivery. It's a pity we're ain't close as before, it's even a pity I didn't had the chance to bid you goodbye. You were a great friend, to talk to and such.

I'll hope you and Zul will get together someday if not now, better off with him than mr fucker.
Fucker left you alone at your most depressed hours, I feel so sorry for you.

And you also made me realise that I can actually make songs, that I have to thank you. Those were the times.

I'll also hope one day you'll forgive me for all the problems I created for you.


You'll never know how much I regret for not mixing with you since the early days. You're a nice, cool, girl to be with. It's a pity we only started talking at the eve of my graduation. And I hope the plans for our band will be a success.

To the others I have not mention, especially my chinese friends

THANK YOU ALL for your company with me. Leaving everyone of you, my ITE mates, is the hardest graduation so far. We were like a family, not a single hour together there's no laughing can be heard and such.

And the teachers, you were the reasons for my interests in this course. I never thought 4-pointer will be given to me, until you guys gave me that motivation, so good that I enjoy what I'm learning.

I'll severely miss you guys.
I'll forever remember the times together.
I'll hope our paths will cross sometime later.

And I,

Love you people. More than you ever knew.

Tears in my eyes,


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